we will do it together
business consulting
Business consulting creates and protects business value by helping it to understand changes, overcome obstacles, anticipate evolutionary trends and transform to govern the market.
Planning a winning competitive strategy is the key to effective consulting.

Our business focuses on the following points:
Planning of long-term strategic actions for the development of the company.
- Start-Up and Joint Ventures
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Company evaluations
- Management of the generational transition
- Restructuring projects
- Management assistance
Design and implementation of processes and planning tools for actions to be implemented so that the company can pursue the objectives set in business planning and make choices regarding the relationships between people and technologies.
- Planning of the corporate financial structure
- Budget and Business plan
- Drafting of ordinary and consolidated financial statements
- Corporate check-up and due diligence
- Protection and conservation of intellectual property
- Management control and management reporting activities
Head of Business Consulting
Andrea A.L. Visconti
tax consulting
A positive tax strategy is the distinguishing factor of companies that create and protect their value in the markets and environments of reference.
The complexity of the Italian tax system represents an obstacle to the creation of this value, which the company overcomes by developing tax planning strategies appropriate to its corporate structure and aimed at optimizing the tax burden, in accordance with the criteria of ethics and transparency and with the legal framework of reference.
Our business focuses on the following points:
Tax planning of solutions related to specific business needs, aimed at obtaining an optimization of taxation in compliance with the criteria of transparency and legality.
- Assistance in the start-up phase, in the management of current taxation and on the occasion of extraordinary corporate reorganization and restructuring operations
- Planning and establishment of holding companies
- Planning for companies belonging to multinational groups
- Localization of investments, with a focus on financial incentives and taxation issues.
- Verification of compliance of the corporate administrative / accounting system with fiscal-tax legislation, carried out with the aid of investigation and validation tools of the accounting systems and administrative procedures adopted, aimed at identifying, reporting and correcting potential areas of risk and the implementation of the necessary changes following legislative changes.
- Legal certifications relating to the existence of tax credits, for the purposes of their liquidation by the State.
- Advice and assistance in the management of the daily dynamics relating to direct and indirect taxation.
- Assistance in the phases of the judicial proceedings related to tax disputes between the taxpayer and the financial administration, on the occasion of checks carried out by the bodies responsible for access, controls, inspections and verifications, in the pre-litigation phase and in tax disputes, defense before the courts.
Head of Tax Consulting
Valentina Nobile

Companies choose to outsource activities related to the administrative area to fuel the creation and protection of their value by focusing their resources on their core business.
Outsourcing creates an effective solution to obtain timely results of excellence in this choice.

Our business focuses on the following points:
The Firm offers both an integrated management service for the entire administrative process and specific support for the following areas of intervention:
- control and recovery of accounting procedures and financial statements for closed years
- treasury management and invoice issuing
- accounting management in our offices
- drafting of communications and tax returns and social security obligations
- customer and supplier management
- assistance in tax audits
- assistance to auditors at the periodic checks
- conservation (including replacement) of obligatory books and accounting records
The Firm offers a complete service of consultancy and administrative management of real estate assets, both owned directly and through real estate companies, from the drafting of contracts to the activation of an administrative bureau focused on the management of contracts, relationships with tenants and third parties and of the related administrative, accounting and tax practices.
The Firm offers a legal domiciliation service at the offices in Largo Ildefonso Schuster n. 1, Milan IT-20122, which allows the company to be able to establish its registered office there.
The service is mainly aimed at industrial and financial holding companies.
The service helps the company in receiving signed correspondence, allowing it to receive notifications, judicial documents, as well as administrative documents at the office of the Firm, which will forward them according to the client’s instructions.